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Storey's Field Centre

Breathe Into Balance: A Conscious Connected Breathwork Journey

Saturday 19th October
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Join breathwork practitioner Lisa Sibley, for a “Conscious Connected Breathwork” session where the focus will be about bringing more balance into your mind and body.

Wellness practices you’ll try in this session:

· Pranayama · Breathing techniques to strengthen the connection between your body and mind.
· Conscious Connected Breathwork · A circular breathing technique where the inhales are immediately followed by exhales without pause. When maintained for 40 minutes this practice brings on non-ordinary states of consciousness and can lead to profound experiences of healing.
· Breath Holds · Great for lung health, boosts the cardiovascular system.
· Affirmations · Positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, the brains ability to adapt to new situations and ways of thinking/feeling.
· Visualisations · Helps cultivate relaxation and self awareness, leading to improved mental health and a greater sense of wellbeing.

This type of session helps gives you time to connect more deeply with your body so you can open up and clear out anything that might be stopping you from feeling balanced in your life. The aim is to come fully into harmony with yourself and increase the flow of energy through your body.  Often we spend too much time in our heads, overstimulated and overwhelmed by life’s challenges and experiences. It can be hard to work out what is real and what is a result of ‘thinking about it’ too much.

At the start of the session I will help you check in with how you are feeling in the moment. Using the breath as a guide, it’ll be a time for inner reflection, non judgment, acceptance of yourself and your life. Then I will guide you on a Conscious Connected Breathwork journey to connect deeply with the energy centres in your body (chakras), so that you can notice where you might be out of balance.

What does this mean? An example could be that you know you’re not feeling very grounded in life. When you are doing the breathwork, you may notice this in the root chakra at the base of the spine. So then during the session, when you consciously breathe and focus on your root energy, use inner affirmations and visualisations, you tune in to any blocks and allow them to clear. After clearing your energy in this way, you may get insights and inspiration, you may feel lighter and more grounded in your body.

There are so many proven benefits to this type of breathwork experience, all the systems of your body, especially the nervous system get reset. The mind relaxes and let’s go and this in turn helps your whole body feel more aligned and balanced. You feel more connected to yourself and your life.

We breathe together in a group and that makes an additional special energy in the room. Many people come on their own because the space is a welcoming, calm sanctuary for everyone.

During the relaxation part of this session, the incredible Denise Bella Brown will be singing to you all. When you are this relaxed state and hear someone sing, the mirror neurons in certain areas of your brain fire up. You release lovely happy hormones such as endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin that elevate your mood.

Please bring with you:

· A yoga mat or similar
· A blanket or two (keeping cosy is lovely during these sessions)
· A pillow if you know you like using one
· Water

£41.50 per person, including booking fee

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Breathwork Workshop