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Storey's Field Centre

Imbolc: The Celtic Festival of Brigid, Goddess of Fertility

Sunday 2nd February
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

In this two-hour workshop you will celebrate through movement, breath and sound, a new Earth cycle at springtime. You will work with vocal resonance creating a sound world that resonates with the sacred healing of Brigid.

When Imbolc time arrives, we celebrate the transition between the winter solstice (December) and the spring equinox (March). All around us we see, bursting through the Earth, green shoots as they bear the news that spring is on her way. It is the time when the ewe’s milk pours to feed her lamb; budding saplings laced with frozen dew melts in the warming sun; a time to celebrate the wonder and magic that graces a new earth life cycle.

Please wear warm clothes and bring with you a blanket, a yoga mat (or similar) and water.

About Anne L Ryan, the workshop leader: In her work as an artist, Anne uses sound to explore a myriad of ways to express emotion and the way of being human. Her earliest influence in singing was the Irish sean nós, an unaccompanied form of decorated singing deeply rooted in the ancient Irish ancestral heritage of The Curragh in Kildare, the home of the Goddess Brigid. Anne’s current work, both solo and with groups, is the creation of sound works in the moment. She is a body psychotherapist, and uses sound resonation in her work.

£45.00 per person

Early bird tickets (until 26th January): £35.00 per person

